Cookieless: The Digital Alliance Publishes Two Guides on Activation

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
Cookieless: The Digital Alliance Publishes Two Guides on Activation

Key points

The Digital Alliance has released two new guides on cookieless targeting and measurement solutions. These tools aim to prepare advertisers for the post-cookie era and explore alternatives like identifiers, user cohorts, and contextual solutions.

Originally published on E-marketing

Two Guides for the Cookieless Era

The Digital Alliance has provided two new guides focused on activation and measurement without third-party cookies. With third-party cookies expected to be phased out by 2025, these guides offer alternative targeting solutions to help advertisers maintain their performance. Some of the options presented include deterministic identifiers, cohort-based solutions, and contextual solutions that analyze page content. Additionally, a panorama of measurement tools is provided to assess the effectiveness of cookieless campaigns.

The Importance of Measurement Solutions

The guide on measurement solutions addresses the need for companies seeking ways to quantify the performance of cookieless campaigns. Tools such as adservers, eyetracking, and clean rooms are listed to help brands optimize their measurement strategies in a post-cookie environment, illustrated by several case studies like Intermarché.

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Cookieless: The Digital Alliance Publishes Two Guides on Activation

Cookieless: The Digital Alliance Publishes Two Guides on Activation

The Digital Alliance has released two new guides on cookieless targeting and measurement solutions. These tools aim to prepare advertisers for the post-cookie era and explore alternatives like identifiers, user cohorts, and contextual solutions.

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