Taking Advantage of the End of Cookies to Break Free from GAFAM

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
Taking Advantage of the End of Cookies to Break Free from GAFAM

Key points

The article highlights that the end of third-party cookies presents an opportunity for adtech players to break free from the dominance of GAFAM. Contextual targeting is seen as a solution to maintain high performance while reducing dependence on big platforms' data.

Originally published on Strategies

The Opportunity to Break Free from GAFAM

The end of third-party cookies marks an opportunity for publishers and advertisers in adtech to free themselves from GAFAM, which control 60% of global online advertising revenue. The article suggests contextual targeting as an effective alternative to third-party cookies, enabling high performance while respecting user privacy.

The Importance of Contextual Targeting

This targeting method offers advertisers a relevant way to display ads that align with the content being viewed by the user, without relying on personal data. It also allows for the redistribution of ad budgets to players independent of large closed ecosystems like Google and Meta, while preserving the competitiveness of the advertising market.

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