The proportion of content with a positive feeling is constantly increasing

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
The proportion of content with a positive feeling is constantly increasing

Key points

Fifth week of lockdown and CB News is continuing its meetings with those responsible for the world of communication. Time goes by but the energy is still there. Meet Julie Walther this morning, COO and co-founder of Qwarry, who is developing a semantic tool without cookies or user data.

1) How are you and your business doing?

All the teams are doing well, which overall is the most important thing at the moment. From day one, we have set up virtual coffee breaks twice a day to strengthen social ties and ensure that employee morale remains at a high level. Everyone found their rhythm remotely, without too much difficulty, especially as we continue to welcome new employees in full lockdown. We are fortunate to be a very united team where everyone takes care of each other and despite the unprecedented health crisis we are all going through, Qwarry has a deep sense of commitment and solidarity with a strong desire to face this test and to prepare together for the end of the crisis.

2) What have you put in place with your customers to continue your missions?

More than ever, we remain in contact with our customers and partners, whether to hear from them, discuss with them on the topics on which they are currently involved and the new business reality that the entire market is encountering. We are all living and sharing this unprecedented period together and despite the distance imposed by the lockdown, we are maintaining these social ties that unite us all beyond the simple professional framework.Read the full article on CBNews.

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